Digital Sales & Analytics: Driving above-market growth in B2B
A curated selection of articles to serve as a guide for navigating the changing sales world.
Articles in this collection
The secret to making it in the digital sales world: The human touch
Successful B2B sales teams strike the human-digital balance customers want in three core areas: speed, transparency, and expertise.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
When B2B buyers want to go digital—and when they don’t
New research indicates where to focus digital investments so that they will reap rewards in online and face-to-face channels.
What sales executives need to get right for digital success
To realize the full value potential of digital, successful sales organizations reorganize top to bottom, front end to back end. Here’s their road map.
Boosting your sales ROI: How digital and analytics can drive new performance and growth
Successful sales leaders use four principles to tailor digital and analytical tools to their companies’ unique needs.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Measuring B2B’s digital gap
B2B companies fall short of their B2C counterparts in key areas of our Digital Quotient assessment.
How B2B digital leaders drive five times more revenue growth than their peers
By focusing on the right digital practices, B2B companies—currently trailing B2C companies in digital transformation—can create long-term value. Here are six areas where digital leaders excel.
Finding the right digital balance in B2B customer experience
Growing numbers of B2B companies are focusing on digitization to succeed with customer-centric strategies. Here’s how to get it right.
What enterprise-technology companies must know to drive digital-sales growth
B2B companies often achieve subpar results from digital-sales initiatives—and tech companies are not immune to this problem. How can they reverse the trend?
Demystifying digital marketing and sales in the chemical industry
Digital can give chemical companies the power to unlock more than $200 billion of new value by reducing cost to serve, improving pricing, and for fast movers, capturing growth from competitors.
The 90% success recipe: How digital and analytics can help commercial transformations beat the odds and the market
Pressure is mounting on CEOs and business leaders to deliver above-market growth. Consistently beating the market over time, however, requires a top-performing commercial engine underpinned by a new wave of digital and analytics capabilities.