We bring an independent perspective to our clients that is aligned with their goals and unencumbered by competing interests of the numerous stakeholders involved with large capital projects. This distinct focus on successful economic delivery mitigates many frequent problems that lead to cost overruns or schedule delays on 90 percent of major projects, according to our research. Our teams—representing a unique combination of strategic advisors and senior practitioners with decades of hands-on experience—work alongside clients to create value and impact that other traditional project participants may miss or ignore.
Our work on more than $1.2 trillion in capital projects over the last decade has generated significant and lasting value for clients worldwide.
Our impact
What We Do
McKinsey’s business acumen, on-the-ground experience, and comprehensive knowledge of functional topics—such as organizational effectiveness, lean execution, supply-chain management, and risk management—uniquely positions us to support all entities involved in major projects, public- and private-sector project owners, investors, and contractors. We partner with clients across all aspects of project design and delivery and distressed project turnaround.