Driven by policy, subsidies, and expanded consumer choice, the global EV market has seen incredible growth over the past decade. However, to meet the climate targets for zero-emission vehicles, attention is shifting from developing the EVs to scaling the infrastructure needed to support their operation and maintenance. This will entail significant innovation and investment from every player involved. The themes from this edition of Voices include the scaling of battery capacity and charging infrastructure, the role of regulation and incentives, and the collaboration required to succeed.
You can learn about the outcomes of our two latest GII roundtables, which focused on charting net-zero emissions in transport and future-proofing transport infrastructure, on our roundtable page. Sticking with the sustainability theme, GII is supporting a number of roundtables and a webinar being hosted by McKinsey at the forthcoming United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26) in Glasgow. For details on how to join these virtual sessions, please visit our roundtable page. We continue to gather momentum as we approach our eighth GII Summit, which will take place in Tokyo on October 19–21, 2022. Further details on the agenda can be found here.

Voices on Infrastructure: Scaling EV infrastructure to meet net-zero targets
We hope you enjoy this issue, and we welcome your thoughts on how GII can continue to be a catalyst for driving change toward sustainable infrastructure. If you have comments or would like to subscribe a colleague to Voices, please contact us at