Our latest compendium emphasizes that, while climate change continues to be a major threat, through strong leadership from both the business community and government we can put the world on a path to greener and better growth. In fact, we are already making strides in that direction.

Summer 2015
McKinsey on Sustainability & Resource Productivity, Number 3
Presenting insights and approaches that organizations can use to transform how they manage resources and drive sustainable growth.
Articles in this issue
Lower oil prices but more renewables: What’s going on?
Why the renewables sector is more resilient than ever.
Building the cities of the future with green districts
Better design can make sense aesthetically, environmentally—and economically.
Rethinking the water cycle
How moving to a circular economy can preserve our most vital resource.
Short-termism and the threat from climate change
By not acting now, we’re allowing the future costs of the greenhouse-gas crisis to compound. Eventually, the consequences will be irreversible.
From liability to opportunity: How to build food security and nourish growth
How can public institutions, development agencies, investors, researchers, and producers work together to build a food sector that propels economic growth, meets demand, and helps to maintain social stability?
Book Excerpt
Manufacturing growth through resource productivity
Resource productivity should be a top priority for manufacturers. This excerpt from a new book presents five core beliefs to drive growth by becoming leaner and greener.
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