The quest for innovation—the courage to conquer the unknown, coupled with a persistent desire to push the envelope—is what inspires many leaders. William Pickard, founder and chairman of Global Automotive Alliance (GAA), combined business, education, and social work degrees, along with an incomparable work ethic, to fuel his creativity. His persistence paid off when he first became a franchisee in the food industry and later the chairman of his own company. His ambition—and his tenacity—led him to assume many roles throughout his career: entrepreneur, philanthropist, mentor, and author.
Thinking outside the box made former Turner Broadcasting System CEO Jamie Kellner a household name in the entertainment industry. When faced with competition from established networks that appealed to older viewers, he used innovative approaches to capture the younger demographic and showcase what would become one of the longest-running series in TV history. V. Craig Jordan repurposed a failed contraceptive and discovered an alternative use: as treatment of the most common cancer worldwide. And pediatrician Mildred Stahlman’s pioneering research helped her combat the leading cause of death in premature babies. The first baby she saved through her pioneering work went on to save others—decades later—in the same hospital.