The Future of Climate Risk
The World Economic Forum – McKinsey knowledge collaboration on the future of climate risk focuses on two main topics. One, on the future of natural capital, looks to shape biodiversity and the use of biosystems for naturally based solutions to mitigate risk and build resilience. The other, on the clean skies of tomorrow, seeks to shape the sustainability of airlines.
Featured insights on climate risk
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The net-zero transition in the wake of the war in Ukraine: A detour, a derailment, or a different path?
The invasion of Ukraine will, at least initially, complicate the transition path to a net-zero economy, but this tragic development could still prove to be a turning point in accelerating progress in the medium run.
Navigating America’s net-zero frontier: A guide for business leaders
The US government has a goal: net-zero emissions by 2050. Our analysis maps out a pathway to this net-zero frontier—and the growth opportunities that $27 trillion of capital spending could create.
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
This McKinsey report offers a detailed look at the economic and societal impact of the transition to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Protecting people from a changing climate: The case for resilience
Our new study lays bare the potential impact of climate risks for people across the globe—and underscores the need to protect...
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Reimagining industrial operations
Through innovation, advanced analytics, digitization, electrification, and process efficiencies, carbon-intensive operations...
Report - MGI Research
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts
How could Earth’s changing climate impact socioeconomic systems across the world in the next three decades? A yearlong, cross-disciplinary...
Natural capital
Blue carbon: The potential of coastal and oceanic climate action
Nature-based climate solutions in the world’s oceans can play an important role in conservation and carbon abatement efforts worldwide.
Blog Post
It’s time to scale up natural climate solutions—here’s how
Holding the rise of global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial averages, an ambition specified in the Paris Agreement, will require cutting net emissions of greenhouse gases roughly in half by 2030 and to zero by 2050.
Why investing in nature is key to climate mitigation
A new consultation paper from McKinsey and the World Economic Forum explores the role that natural climate solutions can play in helping to address climate change and the destruction of nature.
Article - MGI Research
Reduced dividends on natural capital?
The world’s stock of natural resources performs a range of services that are essential to human well-being. But climate change is accelerating the depletion of natural capital.
Sustainable aviation
Blog Post
The path to net zero in aviation
Eliminating the carbon footprint of global air transport is a daunting task, but it’s doable with the help of leaders across industries.
Blog Post
Reducing aviation emissions over the long and short haul
Aviation emissions occur across all lengths of flight, including short haul, where novel, green propulsion can be part of the decarbonization solution.
Scaling sustainable aviation fuel today for clean skies tomorrow
The move to sustainable aviation is now an imperative.
How airlines can chart a path to zero-carbon flying
The coronavirus crisis will transform aviation, giving airlines their best chance yet to address climate change. Sustainable fuels are a key part of that strategy.
Why a stable climate is important for our businesses and our lives
McKinsey Global Institute senior fellow Mekala Krishnan explains how climate impacts are nearer than you might think.
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