The Future of Climate Risk

Featured insights on climate risk

Winding road ahead warning sign
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The net-zero transition in the wake of the war in Ukraine: A detour, a derailment, or a different path?
Trees in shape of United States map
Navigating America’s net-zero frontier: A guide for business leaders
Map of the world designed in flowers
The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring
Woman using umbrella as shade from the sun
Protecting people from a changing climate: The case for resilience
Reimagining industrial operations
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Reimagining industrial operations
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts
Report - MGI Research
Climate risk and response: Physical hazards and socioeconomic impacts

Natural capital

Blue carbon: The potential of coastal and oceanic climate action
It’s time to scale up natural climate solutions—here’s how
Blog Post
It’s time to scale up natural climate solutions—here’s how
Why investing in nature is key to climate mitigation
Why investing in nature is key to climate mitigation
Article - MGI Research
Reduced dividends on natural capital?

Sustainable aviation

The path to net zero in aviation
Blog Post
The path to net zero in aviation
Reducing aviation emissions over the long (and short) haul
Blog Post
Reducing aviation emissions over the long and short haul
Scaling sustainable aviation fuel today for clean skies tomorrow
Scaling sustainable aviation fuel today for clean skies tomorrow
How airlines can chart a path to zero-carbon flying
How airlines can chart a path to zero-carbon flying

Why a stable climate is important for our businesses and our lives

Our people

Daniel Aminetzah
Senior Partner, New York
Alex Dichter headshot
Senior Partner, London
Alex Dichter
Josh Katz
Partner, Stamford
Partner, Munich
Daniel Riefer