Global leaders - banking
Stephanie Hauser
Senior PartnerLondon
Co-leads McKinsey’s Global Banking & Securities Practice and our banking work across the European region. Stephanie serves clients...
Ishaan Seth
Senior PartnerNew York
Co-leads McKinsey’s Global Banking & Securities Practice and our work in North America. Ishaan works with clients across financial...
Regional leaders - banking
Luís Cunha
Senior PartnerCasablanca
Leads our Banking, Insurance, and Risk practices in EEMA, advises clients on strategy, operations, and organization—with a particular focus on the banking, insurance, and public sectors—and helps lead our European banking work
Renny Thomas
Senior PartnerMumbai
Leads McKinsey’s banking work across Asia–Pacific and supports the rapid growth of Asia's banking sector, helping build new institutions from scratch and transforming leading institutions to leverage the cutting edge of data and analytics
Felipe Villarreal
Senior PartnerPanama
Leads the Banking and Financial Institutions practice for Latin America. Has worked with financial institutions on a wide range of issues such as digital transformations, operations, organization, and strategy.
Global leaders – insurance
Bernhard Kotanko
Senior PartnerHong Kong
Serves insurance and asset management companies in Asia–Pacific and globally on large-scale strategy and transformation programs...
Ari Libarikian
Senior PartnerNew York
Advises companies on building thriving businesses, helping organizations to grow, improve business processes, and strengthen...
Dr. Jörg Mußhoff
Senior PartnerBerlin
Coleads the firm’s global insurance work and leads the European insurance sector; advises executives and financial-services organizations...
Corporate & Investment Banking
Rushabh Kapashi
Senior PartnerNew York
Serves global clients, including corporate and investment banks, commercial banks, and financial data and infrastructure providers...
Matthieu Lemerle
Senior PartnerLondon
Supports corporate and investment banks, brokers, and exchanges as they optimize their operations to achieve sustainable productivity...
Financial Data, Infrastructure & Technology
Rushabh Kapashi
Senior PartnerNew York
Serves global clients, including corporate and investment banks, commercial banks, and financial data and infrastructure providers...
Max Flötotto
Senior PartnerMunich
Serves leading financial institutions on strategy, M&A, and business building, and helps fintech companies scale
Alexis Krivkovich
Senior PartnerBay Area
Managing Partner of our Bay Area office. Advises senior executives, helping them drive change at scale, while building capabilities...
Megha Kansal
Senior PartnerLondon
A co-leader in McKinsey’ Global payment practice, focusing on the retail banking sector, advanced analytics, as well as a major...
Marie-Claude Nadeau
Senior PartnerBay Area
Advises executives in financial services, technology, and retail as they set effective growth and go-to-market strategies and...
Retail & Small Business Banking
Max Flötotto
Senior PartnerMunich
Serves leading financial institutions on strategy, M&A, and business building, and helps fintech companies scale
Amit Garg
Senior PartnerNew York
Coleads the Financial Services and the Private Equity & Principal Investors Practices and leads consumer-finance work, helping...
Marukel Nunez Maxwell
Senior PartnerNew York
Helps a diverse set of global institutions on a range of topics including strategy, revenue growth, and performance improvement...
Wealth & Asset Management
Cristina Catania
Senior PartnerMilan
Coleads the Risk & Resilience Practice, advising financial institutions on strategy, transformation, sustainability and ESG.
Jonathan Godsall
Senior PartnerSouthern California
Jon co-leads McKinsey’s Global Wealth & Asset Management practice, including client service for wealth, asset management, and...