Healthcare consumer optimism in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has improved since mid-June 2020 across most healthcare categories. However, more than a third of consumers have stated they are still willing to delay elective hospital visits for care due to concerns about COVID-19. Despite this, around 80 percent of consumers stated a high level of trust in the UAE system. Safety, cleanliness, and proximity remain the three critical factors listed by consumers when selecting healthcare providers during the crisis. At the same time, the strong shift towards digital health has been sustained with over a third of consumers using virtual care in the past two months, around 90 percent having a positive experience, and around 80 percent intending to continue using these services.
These exhibits are based on survey data collected by McKinsey in the UAE in Q3 and Q4 2020.

COVID-19 Consumer Healthcare Insights: What 2021 may hold
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