Freight transportation plays an essential role in our global economy, and its share of carbon emissions is set to rise. According to one study, if the world continues with business as usual, freight will become the world’s highest-emitting sector by 2050.1 This issue of Voices explores how a range of levers—including electrification, alternative fuels, and decarbonizing roads—can result in cleaner, more efficient freight transport.
With less than three months to go, we have ramped up preparations for our eighth Global Infrastructure Initiative (GII) Summit, which will take place in Tokyo from October 19 to 21. Our theme for the Summit centers on creating a pathway to sustainable infrastructure, factoring in current global geopolitical and macroeconomic realities. We are excited to share our most recent agenda as well as information about speakers, Tokyo infrastructure site visits, and sector roundtables. After the Summit, we will publish a recap report featuring the Summit’s key discussion themes for the full GII community.

Voices on Infrastructure: Embracing technology & sustainability in freight transport
Our regional roundtables continue apace. In June, we hosted an energizing discussion in Sydney with more than 30 leaders across Australia’s electric-vehicle (EV) ecosystem. It was an inspiring and solutions-oriented session on the collaborations needed to grow EV uptake and support the 2.5 million chargers the country needs by 2030.
Our next roundtables will take place in Amsterdam and Washington, DC, on September 20. The former will cover preparing grids for the energy transition, while the latter will focus on creating the capacity to deliver infrastructure. More information on our recent and upcoming roundtables can be found on the GII website.
We look forward to continued engagement with the GII community, and we welcome your feedback on our events, publishing, and industry initiatives. If you have comments or would like to subscribe a colleague to Voices, please contact us at