McKinsey Global Institute
Tough trade-offs: How time and career choices shape the gender pay gap
Nearly 80 percent of the US gender pay gap is driven by women having flatter work experience arcs compared with men, based on an analysis of 86,000 real-life online career histories.
Dependency and depopulation? Confronting the consequences of a new demographic reality
Exploring the implications of a new demographic reality brought on by falling fertility and increasing longevity.
Help wanted: The long-term labor tightening trend by country
Labor markets in the world’s eight largest economies have tightened significantly since 2010, although the character and...
Help wanted: Charting the challenge of tight labor markets in advanced economies
For almost two decades, labor markets across advanced economies have tightened—and the trend is set to continue. This article...
Performance through people: Transforming human capital into competitive advantage
A dual focus on developing people and managing them well gives a select group of companies a long-term performance edge.
Overcoming the fear factor in hiring tech talent
Providing the kind of experience and skill building that augments human capital can open up a much broader pool of candidates....
Human capital at work: The value of experience
Human capital represents two-thirds of wealth for the average individual—and work experience contributes almost half of...
The future of work after COVID-19
The pandemic accelerated existing trends in remote work, e-commerce, and automation, with up to 25 percent more workers than...
Reskilling China: Transforming the world’s largest workforce into lifelong learners
China’s next challenge is to transform education and skills development to deliver the talent needed for an innovative,...
What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries
Hybrid models of remote work are likely to persist in the wake of the pandemic, mostly for a highly educated, well-paid minority...