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Featured Insights
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
Blueprint to close the women’s health gap: How to improve lives and economies for all
Women experience substantial health inequities and poor health outcomes worldwide, and the global economy suffers as a result.
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
Thriving workplaces: How employers can improve productivity and change lives
Investing in holistic employee health can create almost $12 trillion in global economic value.
Article - McKinsey Health Institute
Health-related climate adaptation: How to innovate and scale global action for local needs
Solutions for adapting healthcare to meet the threats posed by climate change remain immature. Enabling innovation and scaling solutions is a critical priority to protect vulnerable populations around
the world.
Featured Interactives
Interactive - McKinsey Health Institute
Bridging the women’s health gap: A country-level exploration
In this McKinsey Health Institute interactive analysis, we explore the latest data on the impact of women’s health issues around the world.
Interactive - McKinsey Health Institute
Prioritizing brain health: Scaling what works to add years to life and life to years
How many more years can be spent in optimal health if our society viewed mental and substance-use disorders as we do other conditions? The McKinsey Health Institute and the Healthy Brains Global Initiative collaboration sought to answer this question through a series of interactives.
Interactive - McKinsey Health Institute
Moving the needle on burnout: What does the data say?
The interactive illustrates the opportunity for employers to address key workplace factors (toxic workplace behavior, inclusivity, supportive growth environment, and sustainable work) and the potential impact on key outcomes (work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout symptoms, and intent to leave).
Interactive - McKinsey Health Institute
Scale what works: The benefits of proven health interventions
Interactive visualization showing the opportunity to extend and improve life through known health interventions.
Founding perspectives
Article - McKinsey Health Institute
The secret to great health? Escaping the healthcare matrix
The blueprint to achieve a lifetime of great health is increasingly clear and within our control. But unlocking it requires challenging the orthodoxies currently guiding individuals and institutions.
Article - McKinsey Health Institute
In sickness and in health: How health is perceived around the world
A new McKinsey Health Institute survey examines the views of residents in 19 countries on their physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.
Report - McKinsey Health Institute
Adding years to life and life to years
At least six years of higher quality life for everyone is within reach.
Conversations on Health
Interview - McKinsey Health Institute
Special Olympics’ health chief on championing inclusive care
Chief health officer Dimitri Christakis emphasizes a framework promoting health equity for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Interview - McKinsey Health Institute
The ‘evergreen economy’: Harnessing the power of healthy longevity
Economist Andrew J. Scott, author of The 100-Year Life and The Longevity Imperative, discusses the opportunity for positive and profound change in an aging society.
Interview - McKinsey Health Institute
Mental and physical health equity: A ‘medical civil right’
The Honorable Patrick J. Kennedy strives to ensure resources for the prevention, treatment, and recovery support of mental health conditions are on par with those for other chronic illnesses.
Interview - McKinsey Health Institute
A ‘universal human right’: Quality mental healthcare for children
Improving mental health globally demands an equitable, evidence-based, and holistic approach that encompasses the specific needs of children and young people, says UNICEF’s Zeinab Hijazi.