McKinsey Quarterly 2015 Number 1
Marketing and sales: New & improved
The five elements of success in marketing’s new golden age, including interviews with the chief marketers of Daimler and Google. Also, how B2B customers make decisions now, a virtuous cycle for top-line growth, and the power of emerging advanced analytics for HR.
Modern marketing and sales
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The dawn of marketing’s new golden age
Marketers are boosting their precision, broadening their scope, moving more quickly, and telling better stories.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
How Google breaks through
Lorraine Twohill, Google’s senior vice president of global marketing, describes what has and hasn’t changed for marketers trying to connect with customers.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Marketing the Mercedes way
Ola Källenius of Daimler discusses the high-tech and high-touch marketing of an iconic brand.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Do you really understand how your business customers buy?
B2B purchasing decisions increasingly trace complex journeys, challenging the long-standing practices of many sales organizations.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
A virtuous cycle for top-line growth
New data and better coordination can create value in the sales channel.
Other highlights
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Getting big impact from big data
New technology tools are making adoption by the front line much easier, and that’s accelerating the organizational adaptation needed to produce results.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Power to the new people analytics
Techniques used to mine consumer and industry data may also let HR tackle employee retention and dissatisfaction.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Bill Ford charts a course for the future
The carmaker’s executive chairman offers his thoughts on the discontinuities facing automakers, management, and the city of Detroit.
Book Excerpt - McKinsey Quarterly
Perspectives on the long term
What will it take to shift markets and companies away from a short-term way of thinking?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Where to look for global growth
Productivity gains could make the difference in an aging world.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Do your training efforts drive performance?
Building organizational capabilities is a top strategic priority, but an inability to measure the impact is a growing concern among executives we surveyed.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Digitizing the value chain
Challenges remain for “Industry 4.0,” but the buzz is growing.