McKinsey Quarterly 2015 Number 4
Explores the paradox of combining speed and stability to achieve agility. Also, describes how Chinese leaders are navigating the country’s shifting economic environment.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why agility pays
New research shows that the trick for companies is to combine speed with stability.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Agility lessons from utilities
The industry faces pressure on its core businesses and unexpected digital competition. Evaluating the external environment and making bets more quickly will be decisive for incumbents.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Adhocracy for an agile age
The agile organizational model gives primacy to action while improving the speed and quality of the decisions that matter most.
Taking China's pulse
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Five myths about the Chinese economy
Predictions of deepening economic woes are plentiful. Here are five arguments against the pessimism.
Report - MGI Research
Gauging the strength of Chinese innovation
China does well in customer- and manufacturing-oriented innovation, though not in the more advanced varieties. But the country will need them to sustain growth.
Five keys to connecting with China’s wired consumers
China is the world’s largest and most dynamic e-commerce market. But being successful requires understanding and embracing its unique digital landscape and consumers.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How China country heads are coping
As multinational companies face stronger headwinds, how are local leaders dealing with the situation, and what would help them move faster?
Other highlights
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Gender equality: Taking stock of where we are
Why are women still underrepresented at every level of today’s corporations?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
An executive's guide to the Internet of Things
The rate of adoption is accelerating. Here are six things you need to know.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Knowing when corporate headquarters adds rather than subtracts value
Reduce value destruction by applying three tests to initiatives from the center.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Revisiting the matrix organization
By clarifying roles within a matrix organization, managers can boost both the engagement of the workforce and a company’s organizational health.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Why it’s still a world of ‘grow or go’
In a challenging environment, growth matters more than ever.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Taking the measure of the networked enterprise
New research shows that power users reap the greatest benefits from social technologies.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
When subpar operations threaten margin growth
Consumer-goods companies with weak cost management will struggle to increase the bottom line—no matter how much they grow.
Closing view
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How should you tap into Silicon Valley?
Not by sticking a toe in the water. Get your management team aligned and then commit.