McKinsey Quarterly 2016 Number 1
Organizing for the future
Explores the implications of workplace automation, the power of sleep and meditation, Ericsson’s recent HR transformation, and more.
Organizing for the future
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Organizing for the future
Platform-based talent markets help put the emphasis in human-capital management back where it belongs—on humans.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
How Ericsson aligned its people with its transformation strategy: An interview with chief HR officer Bina Chaurasia
A recent shift in strategy required an overhaul of HR. Ericsson’s chief human-resources officer, Bina Chaurasia, describes how skills, technology, and processes had to change on a global scale.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Four fundamentals of workplace automation
As the automation of physical and knowledge work advances, many jobs will be redefined rather than eliminated—at least in the short term.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Agility: It rhymes with stability
Companies can become more agile by designing their organizations both to drive speed and create stability.
Leadership: Context, innovation, and authenticity
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Leadership in context
Organizational health matters more than you might expect.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Organizing for breakthrough innovation
Roche’s CEO talks about its R&D structure, tough decisions, and long-term mind-set.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Getting beyond the BS of leadership literature
Management books and commentaries often oversimplify, seldom providing useful guidance about the skills and behavior needed to get things done. Here’s a better reading list for leaders.
Executive coping mechanisms
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The organizational cost of insufficient sleep
Sleep-awareness programs can produce better leaders.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Want to be a better leader? Observe more and react less
Overloaded executives need coping mechanisms. This personal reflection shows how meditation can help.
Research, trends, and emerging thinking
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Big data: Getting a better read on performance
The benefits match those of earlier technology cycles, but companies must scale up their data-analytics skills to reap the gains.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How private-equity owners lean into turnarounds
PE-backed companies outperform their public counterparts during periods of distress because the owners play a more active role in management.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Online car sales in China may be closer than they appear
Can automobiles become the next big category for Chinese e-commerce?
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Can brands control their online destiny in China?
On the country’s major e-commerce platforms, consumer brands gain new revenue streams but struggle for prominence. New opportunities could raise their profile.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Behind China’s runaway online-to-offline commerce
A flood of liquidity has produced huge subsidies and deep discounts in an app-driven marketplace.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Automating the insurance industry
A more digital world will place a premium on some skills while reducing the need for others.
Closing view
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
How the sharing economy can make its case
These challengers must develop a smarter approach to external engagement.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
Creating value from long-term bets
Corning’s CEO reminds us that big corporate achievements rarely come overnight.