McKinsey Quarterly 2019 Number 1
Reimagining mobility
Explores the future of mobility and what shifts mean for cars, business, and society. The issue includes perspectives from participants shaping the coming mobility revolution.
Mapping the future of mobility
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Mobility’s second great inflection point
Radically new dynamics in the early 20th century transformed cars and, in turn, the world. Here’s why the next great inflection point is upon us, auguring changes no less profound.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Reimagining mobility: A CEO’s guide
No industry or executive is immune to the profound implications of mobility’s second great inflection point. Here’s what you need to know now.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Ford’s evolving sense of self: An interview with Hau Thai-Tang
The company’s global head of product development and purchasing explains today’s radical changes and how Ford can tap into its 115-year legacy to win in the century ahead.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The trends transforming mobility’s future
Mobility as we know it is about to change. A handful of trends will largely determine the benefits—and costs—for business and society.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
Powering mobility’s future: An interview with WiTricity’s Alex Gruzen
A leader at the forefront of wireless electricity explains why cars are going electric, electric is going wireless, and the mobility ecosystem is headed for major change.
Touring the future of mobility
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Snapshots of the global mobility revolution
How will regional variations in China, Europe, Brazil, India, and the United States reshape cars, carmakers, and the automotive “user experience”?
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
New carmaker on the block: Byton’s CEO on China’s car of the future
Carsten Breitfeld, an industry veteran turned disruptor, explains how his Chinese-conceived, globally oriented start-up is tuned for the emerging mobility transformation.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The road to seamless urban mobility
Will the coming mobility revolution make urban traffic better, or worse?
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
The public–private imperative in urban mobility: A view from Canada
Josipa Petrunic imagines a low-carbon, smart-mobility future for Canada. In this interview, she describes how CUTRIC, the consortium she leads, is bringing the public and private sectors together to make it happen.
Other features
Book Excerpt - McKinsey Quarterly
Africa’s overlooked business revolution
Global business leaders who misunderstand Africa run the risk of missing out on one of the 21st century’s great growth opportunities.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Leadership lessons from Africa’s trailblazers
How five leaders are seizing opportunities and overcoming challenges to build successful organizations in—and a brighter future for—the nations of Africa.
Commentary - McKinsey Quarterly
One is the loneliest number
Put an end to the costly workplace isolation experienced by many women by clustering them on teams and improving the promotion process.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Bias Busters: Resisting the allure of ‘glamour’ projects
Don’t starve maintenance projects of funds.