McKinsey Quarterly 2022 Number 4
The titanium economy
The resurgence of American manufacturing has revitalized communities, created millions of jobs, and unleashed a new wave of innovation. The companies behind the rise of the Titanium Economy have lessons to teach us all.
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The Titanium Economy
In The Titanium Economy, McKinsey partners Asutosh Padhi, Gaurav Batra, and Nick Santhanam reveal this under-appreciated and under-valued sector of the economy for what it really is: a reliable source of high-paying, domestic jobs and soaring stock prices—a bright spot in an economy that has too often been buffeted by external shocks.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Strategic courage in an age of volatility
Today’s challenging environment requires business leaders to hone their edge in three critical areas: insights, commitment, and execution.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
Does ESG really matter—and why?
Although valid questions have been raised about ESG, the need for companies to understand and address their externalities is likely to become essential to maintaining their social license.
Interview - McKinsey Quarterly
‘If you’re going to build something from scratch, this might be as good a time as in a decade’
In the second episode of our series The Quarterly Interview: Provocations to Ponder, venture capitalist Bill Gurley explains the promise and perils facing start-ups at a moment of economic uncertainty and reveals why hybrid work may be the most interesting technology of all.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The Great Attrition is making hiring harder. Are you searching the right talent pools?
People keep quitting at record levels, yet companies are still trying to attract and retain them the same old ways. New research identifies five types of workers that employers can reach to fill jobs.
Will fusion energy help decarbonize the power system?
Nuclear fusion has long been considered a near-impossible clean-energy solution. But technological advances—and the need for a flexible zero-carbon power grid—have made fusion worth considering.
Workplace real estate in the COVID-19 era: From cost center to competitive advantage
Companies today should build workplaces that help them realize their strategies. Here’s why and how.
Book - Featured Insights
Deliberate Calm
A trio of McKinsey & Company veterans draws from a unique combination of psychology, neuroscience, and consciousness practices plus a combined 50-plus years of international board room experience to offer a unique approach to learning and leading with awareness and intentional choice, even amidst the most challenging circumstances.