Aftermarket & Services


What We Do

Commercial strategy
Organizational processes and systems
New growth levers

Examples of our work

Identifying and capturing opportunities
Market analysis and insights

Featured Capability

Periscope by McKinsey


McKinsey Service Benchmark

Featured Experts

Vik Krishnan
Senior Partner
Advises companies in the aviation, travel, and aerospace sectors on operational-performance improvement, digital transformation, and growth
Hugues Lavandier
Senior Partner
Advises energy, mining, and OEM companies on growth and portfolio strategies and evaluates corporate-finance opportunities; supports investors and private-equity groups in the commodities and industrials sector
Tomas Nauclér
Senior Partner
As global leader of McKinsey Sustainability, helps companies and governments develop strategies grounded on a fact-based understanding of the potential impact of climate change
Robin Riedel
Co-leads the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility
Simone Vesco
Leads the advanced industries sector in the Mediterranean office and our industrial services work in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), serving clients on strategy, marketing and sales, operations, working capital, and aftermarket and services transformations

Featured Insights

Up in the air: How do consumers view advanced air mobility?
Up in the air: How do consumers view advanced air mobility?
Wall Street to Mission Control: Can space tourism pay off?
Wall Street to Mission Control: Can space tourism pay off?
Selling in the aftermarket How to win the sales street fight
Selling in the aftermarket: How to win the sales street fight
Aftermarket Services The near-term growth opportunity in targeting the right customers
Aftermarket Services: The near-term growth opportunity in targeting the right customers
Industrial aftermarket_1536x1536_500_Standard
Industrial aftermarket services: Growing the core

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