Our capabilities

Consumer insights
Where are customers shopping, and how is that impacting store performance?
We use mobile phone and online purchase data to understand real-world consumer behavior for any store or network. Retailers can understand behavior, demographics, and trends.

Performance analysis
Which levers drive location performance? Are locations achieving their potential?
We mine granular demographic, spatial, and competitive variables to quantify sales drivers per location and format. Discover under- and high-performing locations today.

Footprint growth diagnostic
How does the retail landscape look today? How much store growth is feasible?
We profile location footprints to determine the opportunity for store growth per market – including both planned sites and longer-term whitespace opportunities.

Network optimization
What is the optimal store footprint? Where are there consolidation opportunities?
We assess and quantify expected success of future locations to prioritize investments in and identify consolidation opportunities between current locations.
Our offerings

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