Summer 2014
Perspectives on retail and consumer goods, Number 3
Our third edition addresses topics that are top of mind for consumer-sector executives worldwide.
Articles in this issue
Making stores matter in a multichannel world
As the role of the brick-and-mortar store evolves, retailers will continually have to refine how they use their real estate.
Lost in translation: The challenge of global channel and customer management
Our research points to five practices that have helped consumer-goods companies outperform their peers.
‘The business of creating desire’: An interview with the CEO of LVMH Fashion Group
Pierre-Yves Roussel oversees some of fashion’s best-known luxury brands. Here, he shares his views on creativity, brand evolution, and how the Internet is—and isn’t—changing the industry.
Luxury shopping in the digital age
The “right” digital strategy differs for every luxury brand, but the essential elements are the same: a strong mobile presence, a selective approach to social media, and a tight focus on carefully chosen metrics.
Article - McKinsey Quarterly
The hidden value of organizational health—and how to capture it
New research suggests that the performance payoff from organizational health is unexpectedly large and that companies have four distinct “recipes” for achieving it.
Insight-driven sales transformation
By embedding consumer insights into their merchandising processes, retailers can boost both like-for-like sales and profitability while creating smarter merchants.
Is your supply-chain operating model right for you?
Too many consumer-goods companies decide how to run their supply chain without first defining what it’s supposed to deliver. Here’s a methodology they can follow instead.
Secrets to successful manufacturer-retailer collaboration
More companies can reap the benefits of supply-chain collaboration if they pay attention to six success factors.
What’s next in apparel sourcing?
Chief procurement officers at the world’s largest apparel companies are facing higher costs, tackling knotty compliance issues, and exploring new sourcing markets.
How to win in online grocery: Advice from a pioneer
Christian Wanner, cofounder of one of Europe’s first and largest online grocery stores, talks about what works, what doesn’t, and what will change in food retailing as e-commerce continues to heat up.
Download more issues of Perspectives on retail and consumer goods and read related articles.
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