Autumn 2015
Perspectives on retail and consumer goods, Number 4
The fourth edition of our journal focuses on emerging markets and operational excellence.
Modern grocery and the emerging-market consumer: A complicated courtship
In some emerging markets, the response to modern grocery formats has been tepid. What’s a modern grocer to do?
Amazon China’s president on ‘transformative’ technologies
Doug Gurr reflects on how China differs from Western markets and what role data informatics will play in the future of retail.
Winning in Africa’s consumer market
For consumer-goods companies, Africa holds much promise—but also many pitfalls. To succeed on the continent, companies must learn from the failures and successes of others.
East Africa: The next hub for apparel sourcing?
East African countries—in particular, Ethiopia and Kenya—have the potential to become bigger players in garment manufacturing. But the road ahead won’t be easy.
Becoming a regional powerhouse in food retailing
Croatian conglomerate Agrokor is the top grocery player in five countries. In this interview, the company’s head of retail reflects on the rewards and challenges of cross-border growth.
Secrets to implementation success
What do successful implementers do differently from other companies? Our survey of more than 2,200 executives yields actionable answers.
Getting the most out of your sustainability program
Sustainability initiatives won’t create lasting value if they’re poorly managed. Here are four lessons from companies that are doing it right.
Smarter schedules, better budgets: How to improve store operations
Through activity-based labor scheduling and budgeting, retailers can cut store labor costs by up to 12 percent while improving both customer service and employee satisfaction.
Is your company a value creator or a value destroyer?
By looking at performance through the lens of economic profit, retailers can better understand the effectiveness of their business strategies.
Download past issues of Perspectives on retail and consumer goods and read related articles.
Perspectives on retail and consumer goods, Number 3
Our third edition addresses topics that are top of mind for consumer-sector executives worldwide.